11 Ways to Spark Your Creativity

After much thought I decided, I would write about what I was struggling with, how to come up with ideas. How to spark creativity. How to struggle through “writers block.” Writers block isn’t an easy thing to deal with, and it sucks not having an idea come naturally to you. But this is all part of becoming a writer. Sometimes ideas come naturally, other times you have to work for them. Sometimes you have to sit down and write without direction, hoping an idea comes to you organically by going to work.

Public Speaking is a Performance Art

I had a thought pop in my head recently about public speaking. When you are giving a speech or presentation you have to become someone else. You have to give a performance. No one acts the same in general conservation and when they give a presentation. There is a difference! You have to be genuine and likeable. But you can’t be the same person you are when having a beer with your friends. You may have to project that people would have beer with you.

The Concept of Compound Interest

I don’t think compound interest just applies to your finances. I think it applies to all aspects of life from knowledge to health. In this article I will be exploring this. I think understanding compound interest is one of the keys to life.

Five Ways to Control Envy

The first step to controlling envy is to understand what envy is. And envy is just another form of fear. When you envy another person’s accomplishments or possessions. It’s your minds way of adapting to the fear you have of not obtaining your desires and wants. You envy a person with the career you want because you are scared you will never have that career. You envy a person in a healthy relationship because you are scared you will never have a healthy relationship. You envy the person with a lot of money because you are scared you will never accumulate that amount of money.

Let’s Talk About Determination

There are times in life when our determination is tested. When everything seems like it is no longer worth the struggle. When it would be easier to quit then continue on. Success comes from a place of determination or as Angela Duckworth calls it “grit.” The ability to continue on and persevere even when it seems like there is no light in sight. The drive to continue into the darkness without any prospects for success. That is real determination and the stuff elite performers are made from.